Monster Building Place guide
Hong Kong
Monster Building
The Monster Building isn’t a building per se but a complex made up of five different buildings. These are Yick Fat Building, Montane Mansion, Oceanic Mansion, Fook Cheung Building and Yick Cheong Building.
Quarry Bay is a densely-packed neighborhood in Eastern Hong Kong, traditionally known for being a residential and run-down part of town. The last decade has seen much gentrification, however, with new skyscrapers and office spaces being built up. While countless locals travel there each day for work, there’s one main reason tourists visit: The Monster Building Hong Kong.
The Monster Building isn’t a building per se but a complex made up of five different buildings. These are Yick Fat Building, Montane Mansion, Oceanic Mansion, Fook Cheung Building and Yick Cheong Building. Despite having names like ‘mansion’, these low-income houses were built by the government during a population boom during the 1960s. With rapid inflation of prices in Hong Kong as well as a growing population, there was a sudden need for additional housing which didn’t take up a great deal of space. Thus, the Monster Building was born.
The Monster Building is the most popular reason for tourists to visit Quarry Bay. The five high-rise buildings around the outside of the estate create a tunnel effect when standing at the bottom looking up. Many Instagrammers, photographers and bloggers make the pilgrimage from Central Hong Kong to the Monster Building since it’s become known as one of the best Hong Kong instagram spots. Major movies like Transformers and Ghost in The Shell have been shot at The Monster Building.
Due to the increased popularity among tourists, there has been a recent ban on photography from within the courtyard. It’s still possible to visit and photograph the symmetrical estate from the outside, however. To find the Monster Building, take Exit A from Quarry Bay MTR Station.
To get the best shots, try a Hong Kong Instagram Tour that will take you to the most-photographed yet hard-to-find spots in the city.